This Health and Safety Policy and any associated Risk Assessments must be used only in connection with any organised event run, marshalled and stewarded with prior Natural Resources Wales (NRW) permission by the Rainbow Trails.
The Rainbow Trails is not responsible for any groups or individuals who access the forests to ride or drive except when registered as entrants at a formal organised event.
The facilities provided in the forests, ie the designated riding and driving trails, waymarkers, car parking, corrals and buildings are assumed to be suitable for the purposes intended and the health and safety issues around the use of the forest for riding and driving is at all times the responsibility of NRW.
It is assumed that NRW have a regular maintenance programme to ensure that all facilities are maintained in fit condition for the purpose intended.
The Rainbow Trails only acts as a lay authority in assessing suitability of facilities provided in the forest.
The Rainbow Trails will act in good faith in advising on relevant matters but cannot be held responsible for decisions relating to final designs and ultimate constructions.
HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT (for events organised by The Rainbow Trails)
General Statement
Any activity involving horses has inherent risks associated with it. The horse is a large animal whose basic response to danger is to run. The following will consider the potential dangers to persons, the steps necessary to minimize such risks and procedures that will deal with any given situation.
The Rainbow Trails is insured by virtue of membership of both the British Horse Society and the British Driving Society. In addition it holds its own insurance via the NFU.
For competitive events entrants will be required to maintain their own levels of personal and public liability insurances.
Forest Management
NRW will be notified in advance of all organised events (including proposed routes) in accordance with the agreed procedures.
The Rainbow Trails assume that there will be no other events or activities taking place in the forests which could endanger the participants.
The Rainbow Trails will ensure that attendees at events are aware of timber operations and timber haulage and require all participants to be aware of the activities and obey all signage.
The Rainbow Trails will do its best, when informed by NRW of specific timber operations impacting on trails, to ensure that these operations are notified on its social media and website and will ask users to be aware of and obey all signage.
Car and Trailer and Lorry Parking
Signs will be situated on the highways in proximity to the venue(s) indicating to other users that trailers and horses will be in the area.
Stewards will be in attendance to ensure safe parking in designated areas and entry and egress from the parking area(s) onto the highway.
Weather Conditions
The weather in the two forests can be severe. The person in charge of each event will make the final decision as to whether it is considered unsafe to allow riders/ drivers into the forests.
The event will be cancelled as necessary on the day should conditions prove unsuitable.
Maps will be issued as is deemed necessary for each event.
When an event is to take place the Rainbow Trails relies on NRW to ensure that all relevant gates which may be required for access by emergency vehicles, are unlocked or can be opened freely by the person(s) in charge of the event.
The event organiser will check the route prior to the event and assess its suitability on the day. Any problems found will be notified to the forest management for their attention.
For special events the Rainbow Trails will ensure adequate waymarking on the day.
Ultimately permanent waymarking on the designated Rainbow Trail routes will be the responsibility of the NRW.
Any rider/driver leaving the parking areas and entering the forests will be logged with name, route picked (where appropriate) and mobile telephone number.
Each person will be given the mobile telephone number of the organiser and any other relevant emergency numbers, eg vet.
Each participant will be logged out and logged in upon return.
Missing/Lost Persons
Where participants are missing (ie not returned within assessed reasonable timescales) they will be classified as ‘missing’. Attempts will then be made to contact them by telephone and if this is not possible or no reply is received within a reasonable time, search party(ies) will be sent out following the chosen circuit until such time as the lost party is found.
If the person(s) are not located within a reasonable time then the emergency authorities will be notified to commence search and rescue.
Forest management will also be informed at the earliest opportunity.
The map grid reference of each parking area will be in the possession of the person in charge in order to aid the emergency services in finding the relevant parking area.
Stewards will be posted at sensitive/difficult route changes and other assessed critical points.
On larger events radio contact will be provided between the event organisers and route marshals.
Each event will have a designated fist aid facility and/or designated first aider to deal with minor injuries.
Major injuries will be notified immediately to the emergency services and Forest management at the earliest opportunity.
Minor injuries will be dealt with on site by event organisers. Major injuries will be dealt with by emergency veterinary contact. Special Events
Occasionally the Rainbow Trails may organise special events which include obstacles or technical sections for horse and rider to negotiate. The Rainbow Trails will ensure that these obstacles are constructed in a safe manner. Technical sectiosn and obstacles will be manned by a competent person and the function and requirements for successful negotiation will be explained to any rider who wishes to attempt them.
COVID and Other Infections Diseases
All Government, Welsh Assembly and BHS regulations and guidelines will be followed as they stand at the time of the event.
Individual events will be reviewed for specific risks. The risk assessment for events will be used to help plan the steps needed in order to reduce the risk of transmission.
The number of participants will be limited to ensure that all government and Welsh Assembly guidelines and regulations are satisfied.
However many participants there are, particular care must be taken at the start and end points, and at any part of the route where participants may be passing one another, to maintain social distancing – In order to do this, the participants may be split into smaller groups.
Participants will be advised to follow hygiene guidelines before arriving, during the event and after getting home.
We will communicate the steps and risk management means to all participants before the event. Participants will be asked not to attend if they, or any member of their household, have any symptoms they suspect may be COVID.
There will be no food or drink provided while social distancing rules are in place.
Social distancing which meets existing Government and Welsh Assembly guidelines and regulations (2m) will be required at all times during the event.
While it is required, a list of all participants with contact details will be kept. This list will be held securely and scheduled for destruction 21 days after the event.
Participants will be asked to notify the organisers if they develop symptoms of COVID after the event.
Individual events will be reviewed for specific risks. The risk assessment for events will be used to help plan the steps needed in order to reduce the risk of transmission.
Participants will be advised to follow BHS and other equestrian organisations’ guidelines to avoid transmission of any equine infections diseases. For example, but not limited to, not sharing riding/driving equipment or buckets, haynets etc.
Participants will be requested not to attend if their horse shows any symptoms of infections disease.
If a participant’s horse does develop symptoms of an infections disease or is diagnosed with one within 14 days of an event, they will be asked to let the organisers know.